The company
Pol Casademunt and Sara Fanlo Bayo (Sara Lhola) started the circus adventure together in 2008 at the circus school In 2007 Pol Casademunt and Sara Fanlo Bayo (Sara Lhola) discover the circus world by taking their first steps on trapeze with Eli Coll and Marina Montserrat (Cía Volaquivol) in the selfmanaged space "CSO La Fibra", through Cronopis Circus Association. In 2008 they began their professional career together at "El Circ Petit" Circus School in Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) specializing in double trapeze with Serena Vione. In 2009 they enrolled in "Scuola di Circo Cirko Vertigo" in Grugliasco (Torino) during three years. There they specialize in Acrobatic Ladder(Pol) and static trapeze (Sara). That, cause of the classes received by, highlighted, among others: Arian Miluka, Fatos Alla, Silvia Francioni, Igor Matyushenko, Michela Pozzo and Luisella Tamietto, They close this period with arround 40 performances of the final course show “Cirque Deco” in a tour in festivals such as: "Street Theatre Festival Ana Desetnica (Eslovenia), "Festival Vertical'étè"(Francia), "Festival di Artisti di Strada di Ascona (Suiza), "International Puppet and Mime Festival of Kilkis"(Grecia)El Circ Petit” in Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) specializing in trapeze as a duo.
The following year they enrolled in the circus school “Cirko Vertigo” in Grugliasco (Turin) where after three years they got specialized in acrobatic ladder (Pol) and static trapeze (Sara).
// acrobatic ladder, trapeze duo, juggle with balls
In 2013 Pol combines his performances between Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Romania, Poland, Greece and Slovenia taking part in the scene in various shows: -"La luna in un giorno" with the Company "Il Circo di Lorca" (Cirko Vertigo/Exvoto); -"Klinke" and "Kòlok" with Compagnia Milo and Olivia, where he replaces his laddermaster Milo Scotton; -"Fragile XXL" with Compagnia Pantakin from Venice, with which he plays in 2014 "Circo soufflè", in 2015 "Crazy family circus" and in 2016 "Famiglia Soufflè". In 2018, he is part of Cirk'Crash company and they present "Briks" winning the Zirkolika award for Best Clown Show. This show is performed on several occasions, such as; in the "Festival Trapezi" (Reus), in the "Fira de Circ" (La Bisbal) and in "Cronopis" (Mataró), From 2019 to 2022 he is technical director at the Curtcirckit Circus Festival (Montgat) In 2021 he begins to learn hand to hand with Jael Sarthou in Fernando Melkis course at Cronopis where he trains regularly.

// trapeze, trapeze duo, contemporary dance
In 2013, Sara returns to Catalonia where she continues to enrich her training through various trapeze and dance workshops and training at "Espai de Circ Cronopis" in Mataró (Barcelona). She currently continues to train and attend courses there and she is part of the team of teachers, teaching trapeze for adults and aerial skill lessons for children. From 2014 to 2019 she works as a trapeze and aerial silk teacher for young people and adults at the "Espai Jove Morralla" in Blanes (Girona). In 2020 she teachs aerial skills at "BuhdaJump" in Lloret de Mar (Girona). During these years she offers research and technical trapeze workshops in these spaces and she participates with her act in several Cabarets: "RAI Associació"(BCN), "DomoSapiens Circus","Festa Major de Premià", etc. Sometimes collaborating with live music artists and videomapping artists and, sometimes, integrating themes and reflections as antipsychiatry or the human ego through the use of food and water on stage. In 2016 she participated in "Cops de Circ" show (Cia Accidentats/Circ de Nadal de Cronopis). In 2018 she created in collaboration with other artists the experimental trapeze microshow "Musequi", staged in the "Ateneu de NouBarris"(Barcelona), in the "Festa Major de Cardedeu", in the "10è Aniversari de la Carbonella"(Canet de Mar), in the "Festival of Circus and Combative Art of the Candela"(Santa Susana) and in the "Cabaret al Pati" of Cronopis

//Pol & Sara
In 2017 Pol and Sara decided to return together to practice trapeze duo and they create UTA Circ Company. In 2018 the show "LlibreLleureLliure" was born with the collaboration of Danilo Facelli. In 2019 they participate with Rebekka Spieggel, Raffaele Riggio, Eli Coll, Odilo Fernandez, Rocío Reyes and Tona Punsola in the show "KAPDALA"(Circ de Nadal de Cronopis 19), where for the first time, Sara and Pol, show the Siamese character, after with which they create the duo trapeze act "No Matalàs!" , also graces to the collaboration of Silvia Capell and Laura Miralvés. With this circus act they participate in various cabarets as in the "Gala de Circ 1a Trobada de Circ de Girona", in "Tattoo Circus"(Manresa) and in "El Garitu"(Cardedeu). In 2020, they continue to work in this last act research and as a result they start to create "No Matalàs!", a 45 minutes show that represents the previous work evolution.

In 2020 they formed the Compañia Espavila with Jael Sarthou and Xavier Albuixech, a quartet with which they created street show < No Pastanaga » They began to show it in public within a small summer tour in several villages of “Parque Naturel des Cévennes” (France) and at the "Festival TEST 2021" in Avinyó (Catalonia). They start a new project togheter creating at artistic residencies as Cal Gras in 2021-22 During the summer of 2021 they continue to show No Pastanaga in the 2nd France tour.
In 2021 they continue working to improve «No Matalàs». Accompanied by the outsyde eye of Antxon Ordoñez, who participate with them in the next residences. They are part of the creation program ”Celler de Creació” by “Carpa Revolució”. They begin to test the show in public in "The World Day of Circ" (Mataró), Festa Major de Canet de Mar, "Festa de la Diversitat" (Hospitalet del Llobregat) and in festivals such as "Fes Plus Chapeau" (Sant Père de Ribes - Barcelona) and "Circalle" (Très Cantos - Madrid). Interested in continue to enhance their technique of duo trapeze they are continuously updating, taking classes and attending stages, of which we remember those with; Asvin López, Toni Gutierrez, Pili Serrat and Yuri Sakalov